



STATS N SCORE offers rich functionalities.

Find here all you need to know to handle all functions.


Fast Start - Create Scoreboard

After login you go into the LIVEGAME.

You will need at least 2 teams to create a game.

Then you Create a new game with all needed game details.

Minimum should be the Game Name, Date and City.

Activate the Game, then Save the Game and finally open the game with Run Livegame.

To open the Overlay and use the Scoreboard you go to Overlays and choose the right one.

Copy the link into your production enviroment.

Now you go to Scoreboard. Here you can setup your scoreboard view and control the scoreboard.

Please contact us if you need any special design.

After login you have 4 options in the main menu LIVEGAME, Stats, Manage and Documentation.

LIVEGAME brings you to the live action, where you manage relevant game data (setup teams), setup games and run the live games with stats, scoreboard and overlays.

Stats gives you all the options for dynamic stats analysis and filtering.

Manage allow you to manage your team - add, change and delete users and manage your licence.

About, all about us.

To login to statsnscore.online you use your username and password.

Your username is your email.

The password is encrypted and not known by statsnscore.online. We will never ask you for your passord and you should not share it with someone.

To start using statsnscore.online you have to register for a new user account.

Even if you (your email) are already in the user list of an existing team, you still need to register your account first.

You can also change your password. You will receive an email from statsnscore.online.

In the email you will find a one time valid link to change your password.

If you have any questions, simply use the contact from to send us a message.

You have to be a member of a team to use statsnscore.online.

When you register for a new user account, you are either already a member of a team (added by the admin of the team), or you need to subscribe for a new team.

If you want to subscribe for a new team, please fill in the team name and the league.

You can also choose an already existing league for your team to become a member of.

Below the subcribe form you can find a list of already existing teams, so you don't create by mistake the same team twice.

If you see your team already, ask your team admin to add you as a new user or contact us for further support.

When you register for a new team, we also process and check your request for existing teams before a new team is created.

We will inform you by email when your new team is created.

Manage user access

Here you manage your user list and the user role.

Every username has to be a valid email.

You can add users by email and setup/change their role.

Simply add users or choose the role remove to remove the user.

When finished, press Update and the user list is active.

You can add already registered users or completely new users, but ... every user need to register to use statsnscore.online.

Manage your team account

Here you can manage your licence and your users.

User management is only available for admin users.

Manage user access

Here you manage your user list and the user role.

Every username has to be a valid email.

You can add users by email and setup/change their role.

Simply add users or choose the role remove to remove the user.

When finished, press Update and the user list is active.

You can add already registered users or completely new users, but ... every user need to register to use statsnscore.online.

Manage your licence

statsnscore.online offers 4 licence models.

When registering a team you get a trial licence, which is valid 30 days and gives you all functionalities like the full licence.

After the trial period is over you automically switch to the basic licence.

The basic licence is free. You can setup teams and games and use the scoreboard. You can also share your hometeam and your roster with your league.

The roster licence gives you the option to use the roster overlay and show your starting offense/defense in your livestream production.

The full licence gives you access to all functions.

If you purchase a licence, you get 1 year licence functionalities.

After 1 year (365 days) you switch back to the basic licence.

You can refresh your licence within the last 60 days before your licence expires and all admins of your team get informed by email before expiry.

If you refresh your licence with remaining days left, you don't loose any days, your remaining days are added to the 1 year.


Team Management

Game Management




Team Management

Game Management


Livestream Roster

50€ / Year


Team Management

Game Management


Livestream Roster

Live Play-by-Play Stats

Livestream Player Stats

Livestream Team Stats

Stats Overview

Data Export

200€ / Year

Every licence purchase is paid as a one year fee, no monthly payment is available.

Manage livegame functions

Here you create the setup to run livegames.

If you want to run livegames you need to setup the teams who play and you need to setup the game which is played.

Before you start, you should create at least 2 teams.

Your home team is already created after registering, but mainly empty. Creating your home team is always a good start.

After the setup of the teams, you can create your first game.

Create and manage teams

Here you create and manage your teams. Starting with your own home team and also your opponents.

You have the overview of all teams in the team card list.

You can create, edit and delete all teams (you can't delete your home team).

You can manage the team roster or import from Excel.

And you manage the team details, colors and the team logo.

Create new teams, manage details

You can simply add a new team with the Add team button.

Then you fill in the details - and don't foget to Save.

Team Name is the name of the team, also used as the name in some scoreboard overlays for score informations.

The Nickname is usually a 3-letter shortcut. The Nickname is visible in most scoreboard overlays as the team name.

The color is the jersey color as #RGB value. You can add 2 colors (for home and away jersey).

The color can then be switched for every game.

The League shows your team league and the Record shows the winning/loosing record and is visible in some scoreboard overlays.

If you Share your team (best only the home team), all other teams in your league can import your team for their game setup.

Edit and delete teams

Simply click on the team card to edit a team.

The active team card is marked with a green background.

To delete a team, click on the crossed team icon in the upper right corner.

You need to confirm the delete action.

If you confirm to delete a team, this action can't be reversed.

We are also not able to restore the data anymore, so please be aware what you do when you delete a team.

Use the filter

You can filter for teams and filter for specific players.

Both filters are text filters, simply type the Text inside and the result is shown immidiately.

Manage the roster

The team roster is shown as a player card list with each card representing one player.

The available player informations are Number, Position, Name and Image.

All Stats within a game is always matched to the player number.

Afterwards, the stats are assigned to the player name based on his number.

The Position is shown in the Livestream roster overlay.

The Image has to be a free accessible image link and the image format can be any image which is usable by modern browsers (even animated GIFs or WEBP are possible - be creative).

We propose to use Images with transparent background, this is fitting best to the used livestream overlays.

The images are not hosted on statsnscore.online and can't be uploaded, please host your images on your own webspace or contact us for support.

Add one or multiple empty player cards with the buttons and fill in the player data.

To delete a player, click on the crossed player icon in the upper left corner.

All changes need to be Saved before active.

If you confirm to save a changed team or roster, this action can't be reversed.

We are also not able to restore previous data anymore, so please be aware what you do when you edit.

Upload a roster

You can also upload your roster using and Excel File.

Please name your columns as described number, name, position, image (case sensitive), the order of the columns is not relevant.

When imported, you can immidiately see your roster.

Please Save after import, your imported roster is only available after Save.

Manage team logos

To manage your team logos you can upload an image to statsnscore.online.

The images are (in contrast to player images) stored and hosted on our server.

Before you upload a new image, you can check already uploaded/available images/logos.

Simply open your team where you want to adjust the logo and click on the Logo (highlighted here with the red area).

Below the player roster list the logo gallery will open up and you can choose your logo by clicking on it.

Additionally, below the team details, a new image crop function will open up.

You can use this function to crop the image, save the crop or remove an existing crop.

Cropped logos are used in some scoreboard overlays for a modern look.

If no cropped logos is available, the basic logo will be used.

Create and manage games

Here you create and manage your games. To use any of the statsnscore.online functions you need to have a game created.

You have the overview of all games in the game card list.

You can create, edit and delete games.

You can manage the game roster for each team (independent from the main roster).

You you manage the game details.

You will find here all the overlays and tokens for this specific game.

Create new games

You can simply create a new game with the Create New Game button.

Then you fill in the details - and don't foget to Save.

The game name has to be unique.

Fill in the season to manage different seasons and to be able to filter.

You need to select the Home team and the Guest team. Use the dropdown menu, where you will find all created teams.

Here you can also see all shared teams within your league.

The shared teams are shown as bold names with the team logo on the right side.

When you choose one team, the team details and the roster is loaded into your game.

When you choose one team, the team details and the roster is loaded into your game.

You can now change the colors used for this game and you can manage the game roster.

The game roster is independent from the main team roster.

Changes in the game roster for each team are not affecting the main team roster.

Also changes in the main team roster are not affecting the game roster.

If changes are done in the team details and you want to use them, simply select the team again.

If changes are done in the main team roster and you want to use them, you can load players to load the new roster.

Managing the game roster is the same as managing the main team roster.

Edit and delete games

Simply click on the game card to edit a team.

The active game card is marked with a green background.

To delete a game, click on the trashcan icon in the upper right corner.

You need to confirm the delete action.

If you confirm to delete a game, this action can't be reversed.

We are also not able to restore the data anymore, so please be aware what you do when you delete a game.

Any stats of the game are also deleted.

Use the filter

You can filter for games by using the filter options.

Game name and Season are text filters, simply type the Text inside and the result is shown immidiately.

During multiple seasons you will have many games. Simply Stop all finished games, then you can filter only active games with the Active only checkbox.

Same is for the League game checkbox if you have some games like preseason games.

Understand the game card

The game card will show you the actual status of the game.

You can see the two teams and the score.

You will also see the game details and the game status like Ongoing or Finished.

If you use the play by play interface to have live stats, you will also see the details linked the period and the actual play number.

Activate/Stop the game

When you setup a new game it is not activated.

To activate a game you click on the Activate Game button (and Save this).

When the game is activated, you can use the overlays and run the controls for scoreboard, stats or the roster.

When the game is finished, you should Stop the game with the Stop Game button.

Now you can't control the game anymore and you can easily filter for only active games.

At any point in time you can again activate a stopped game again.

Use game overlay functions

Here you use your overlays and define the layouts for your livestream production.

When the game is active you can click on the Overlay button to open the overlay area.

Here you will have different overlay cards presenting different layouts.

You can see small images of the layout or a logo in the buttons as a representation of the final layout.

Every overlay card always consists of 1 or multiple different overlays (visible as the buttons).

If you want to use one overlay you need to copy the link into your livestreaming software or hardware

Every overlay is a simple website with a specific link.

You can open the link and see the overlay.

Different overlays

Within the overlay card list you will have different overlay cards presenting different layouts.

Every overlay card always consists of 1 or multiple different overlays (visible as the buttons).

The standard overlay card offers you one overlay with all functionalities.

Additionally you will find single overlays (which fit to each other) and additionally an IFRAME.

Every overlay is a simple website with a specific link (see the red marked website link).

The link has a simple structure: main overlay link, game id and overlay style.


Main overlay link: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/

Game id: 640b829d03c16086698ee00e

Overlay style: 2022gfl.


This is the link you import into your production software or hardware.

Please be aware: when you open the scoreboard link you will see the scoreboard, but if you open the stats link or roster link the page will be blank.

stats and roster is only shown after you run the game and use the controls to show stats or roster.

Use overlays in your livestream production

Every overlay card always consists of 1 or multiple different overlays (visible as the buttons).

Some overlays can be combined.

In most cases you will have a Full overlay with all functionalities inside (Scoreboard, Stats and Roster together)

Additionally you will be able to use only pieces as overlay (use only the Scoreboard or Stats etc.)

You have the full freedome to choose, the overlays are complementary and will usually perfectly fit together.

If you want to combine the overlays, you have multiple links you need to import into your livestream production.


Scoreboard: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/gameid/scoreboard

Stats: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/gameid/stats

Roster: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/gameid/roster


If you import all 3 links you have the full control to show all 3 overlays or show only specific overlays at a specific time.

When you use all 3 overlays you place on the lowest layer the scoreboard followed by stats and finally the roster.

The overlays are arranged for 16/9 Full HD 1920x1080 px screen size and fit to each other.

The scoreboard and stats perfectly match to each other.

The roster overlaps the scoreboard.

Use the same link for different games - linking

When you use the overlays in your production, you have to import the links into your setup, either a production software or hardware.

Every game has a unique game id, which is used in the link.


Scoreboard: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/gameid/scoreboard

Stats: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/gameid/stats

Roster: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/gameid/roster


So every new game has a unique game id and unique 3 links.

This means you have to change your production setup for every game. This can be annoying.

Therefore we have linked games. You can link a specific game to your useraccount.

You simply click on the Link as My game button.

You will find your linked game and the corresponding overlays for this game in the upper section Linked Game.

The linked game is also marked with the red star.

You can only have 1 game linked to your username.

Now, your username (email) is replacing the unique game id in the overlay links.

Example (gameid is replaced with my@username.com):

Scoreboard: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/my@username.com/scoreboard

Stats: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/my@username.com/stats

Roster: https://statsnscore.online/overlay/game/my@username.com/roster


What is the advantage?

You can now import this link (with your username) into your production setup and don't need to change this link anymore.

If you want to use a new game in your livestream, you simply link the game to your username and you will have the new scoreboard, stats and roster overlay in your production.

Use Elgato Stream Deck

You can use the scoreboard webinterface to control your scoreboard.

But a device with physical buttons can be very helpfull and easier to handle during live games.

Therefore we created a way to use the Elgat Stream Deck as an easy scoreboard control device.

You need the Elgato Stream Deck XL with the Stream Deck Software.

statsnscore.online has no cooperation with Elgato and we don't sell or provide support for the Stream Deck.

We simply use the Stream Deck with great success as an easy to learn scoreboard control device.

Explain the Elgato Stream Deck buttons

The Elgat Stream Deck has all functions like the scoreboard webinterface to control your scoreboard.

There are 2 areas, for home team and guest team to change points, timeouts and possessionb.

When using the 4 buttons TD (touchdown), FG (field goal), Safety, 2pt, the points are increased and a visual overlay is showing the scoring.

Using the TO (timeout) button, a visual overlay is shown and the timeout number is decreased.

Timeouts are decreased from 3 to 0 and then the number starts at 3 again (like a loop).

Points and timeout overlays are shown for 7 seconds and disappear automatically.

Then there is the area for down and distance and for clock and quarter changes.

Going into the clock and setup folder you cand adjust the clock.

Here you can change the timeouts without visual overlay.

Here you can also change what is shown in the scoreboard (Quarter, Gameclock, Playclock, Down & Distance).

Enable your Elgato Stream Deck for the scoreboard

You need the Elgato Stream Deck XL with the Stream Deck Software.

And you need the API Ninja Plugin from BarRaider installed.

To use the statsnscore profile on the Elgato Stream Deck, simply download and import the profile.


We use the Stream Deck with great success as an easy to learn scoreboard control device.

We have also a smaller statsnscore profile for the 15 Button Elgato Stream Deck, simply download and import the profile.


Handle the token

The Elgato Stream Deck is controlling the scoreboard by sending GET requests.

Anybody who wants to control your scoreboard for a game need to login with a valid username and password.

This is also valid for the Elgato Stream Deck. The Elgato Stream Deck has to login to control the scoreboard.

How can the Elgato Stream Deck login?.

We don't want to save username and password in the Elgato Stream Deck. This would be very unsecure and against the policy to never share or store passwords.

Therefore we use the token system.

A token is a temporary valid access crypto key.

In the token, a temporary and random generated valid password and the corresponding game id is stored.

With this, the token can be safely stored in the Elgato Stream Deck without security issues.

To be able to use the Elgato Stream Deck you have to create a new token for the game you want to control.

The token is only valid for 24 hours after creation.

Click on the token button to open the token area.

Here you will find the token (which is a cryptographical text) and the creation buttons.

You will find a Create new token button and above you can see if the token is valid and until the token is valid (date and time).

Below you have a Save token button to save the token as a TXT file.

Every modern browser will only allow to save any file to a specific location, which is usually your Download folder (or any other folder you selected within your browser settings).

Clicking on the Save token button will save the token as a TXT file in this specific folder.

You need to save/copy the file to the location C:\StatsnScore\statsnscore_token.txt.

In this file the Elgato Stream Deck will search for the token.

You can also create the folder and file by yourself, (use the exact name, case sensitive) and copy the token as the full text into the file.

Example token:

token: some_cryptic_text_before_the_dot.followed_by_some_other_cryptic_text_after_the_dot.

You can create a new token whenever needed.

Don't forget to save the game after token creation, otherwise the token is not stored within the game.

Scoreboard API requests

The Scoreboard can be controlled with the Browser scoreboard interface or with the Elgato Stream Deck.

Another way is to use the API interface and create your own scoreboard control.

To use the API interface you will still need to create a TOKEN and integrate the TOKEN in the API request.

How to create a token you can find under Handle the token.

How to use the API requests you can find under Scoreboard API requests howto.

Scoreboard API requests howto

To use the API interface you will need to create a TOKEN and integrate the TOKEN in the API request.

You can use HTTP GET requests or HTTP POST requests.

In the HTTP GET request you need to integrate the TOKEN in the GET request.

In the HTTP POST request you need to integrate the TOKEN in the HEADER.

A GET request is created with following LINK:


The token need to be replaced with the TOKEN.

The action need to be replaced with the ACTION.

A POST request is created with following LINK:


The action need to be replaced with the ACTION.

The TOKEN need to be set in the HEADER as token.

There are also requests with data, where you provide additional data.

There LINK is similar to the action links, just additional data is added.

A GET request with data is created with following LINK:


The token need to be replaced with the TOKEN.

The action need to be replaced with the ACTION.

The data need to be replaced with the VALUE.

A POST request with data is created with following LINK:


The TOKEN need to be set in the HEADER as token.

The action need to be replaced with the ACTION.

The data need to be replaced with the VALUE.

List of actions for the scoreboard:

quarterShow - toggle Show/Hide quarter

quarterHide - Hide quarter

quarterVisible - Show quarter

gameclockShow - toggle Show/Hide gameclock

gameclockHide - Hide gameclock

gameclockVisible - Show gameclock

playclockShow - toggle Show/Hide playclok

playclockHide - Hide playclok

playclockVisible - Show playclok

downShow - toggle Show/Hide down

downHide - Hide down

downVisible - Show down

distanceShow - toggle Show/Hide distance

distanceHide - Hide distance

distanceVisible - Show distance

recordShow - toggle Show/Hide record

recordHide - Hide record

recordVisible - Show record

losShow - toggle Show/Hide LOS(line of scrimmage)

losHide - Hide LOS(line of scrimmage)

losVisible - Show LOS(line of scrimmage)

scoreboardShow - toggle Show/Hide Scoreboard

scoreboardHide - Hide Scoreboard

scoreboardVisible - Show Scoreboard

firstDown - Set first down

yardsplus10 - Set distance +10 yards

yardsminus10 - Set distance -10 yards

yardsplus5 - Set distance +5 yards

yardsminus5 - Set distance -5 yards

yardsplus1 - Set distance +1 yards

yardsminus1 - Set distance -1 yards

reset12Clock - Set quarter length setup to 12 minutes

reset15Clock - Set quarter length setup to 15 minutes

reset30Clock - Set quarter length setup to 30 minutes

reset40Playclock - Set playclock setup to 40 seconds

reset30Playclock - Set playclock setup to 30 seconds

reset25Playclock - Set playclock setup to 25 seconds

plusMinute - Set game clock +1 minute

minusMinute - Set game clock -1 minute

plus10Second - Set game clock +10 seconds

minus10Second - Set game clock -10 seconds

plus1Second - Set game clock +1 second

minus1Second - Set game clock -1 second

minus1SecondPlayclock - Set actual playclock -1 second

resetClock - Reset game clock

resetPlayclock - Reset playclock

startClock - Start game clock

stopClock - Stop game clock

startPlayclock - Start playclock

stopPlayclock - Stop playclock

countTimeoutTeam1 - SHOW timeout and reduce timeouts from team1 (hometeam) by 1

countTimeoutTeam2 - SHOW timeout and reduce timeouts from team2 (guestteam) by 1

plusTimeoutTeam1 - Increase but don't show timeouts from team1 (hometeam) by 1

plusTimeoutTeam2 - Increase but don't show timeouts from team2 (guestteam) by 1

minusTimeoutTeam1 - Reduce but don't show timeouts from team1 (hometeam) by 1

minusTimeoutTeam2 - Reduce but don't show timeouts from team2 (guestteam) by 1

ballbesitzTeam1 - Set possession to team1 (hometeam)

ballbesitzTeam2 - Set possession to team2 (guestteam)

ballbesitzwechsel - Change possession

touchdownTeam1 - SHOW TOUCHDOWN and increase points from team1 (hometeam) by 6

touchdownTeam2 - SHOW TOUCHDOWN and increase points from team2 (guestteam) by 6

fieldgoalTeam1 - SHOW FIELDGOAL and increase points from team1 (hometeam) by 3

fieldgoalTeam2 - SHOW FIELDGOAL and increase points from team2 (guestteam) by 3

twopointTeam1 - SHOW 2POINT and increase points from team1 (hometeam) by 2

twopointTeam2 - SHOW 2POINT and increase points from team2 (guestteam) by 2

patTeam1 - SHOW PAT and increase points from team1 (hometeam) by 1

patTeam2 - SHOW PAT and increase points from team2 (guestteam) by 1

safetyTeam1 - SHOW SAFETY and increase points from team1 (hometeam) by 2

safetyTeam2 - SHOW SAFETY and increase points from team2 (guestteam) by 2

plusTeam1 - Increase but don't show points from team1 (hometeam) by 1

plusTeam2 - Increase but don't show points from team2 (guestteam) by 1

minusTeam1 - Reduce but don't show points from team1 (hometeam) by 1

minusTeam2 - Reduce but don't show points from team2 (guestteam) by 1

countDowns - Increase DOWN by 1

countquarter - Increase QUARTER by 1

flag - SHOW FLAG

los10 - Set LOS to 10 yards

los20 - Set LOS to 20 yards

los30 - Set LOS to 30 yards

los40 - Set LOS to 40 yards

losplus10 - Set LOS +10 yards

losminus10 - Set LOS -10 yards

losplus5 - Set LOS +5 yards

losminus5 - Set LOS -5 yards

losplus1 - Set LOS +1 yard

losminus1 - Set LOS -1 yard

losteam1 - Set LOS in field side of team1 (hometeam)

losteam2 - Set LOS in field side of team2 (guestteam)

losteamchange - Set field side of LOS from one team to the other

flag30 - Show Flag for 30 seconds

hideflag - Hide Flag

setquarterPRE - Set the quarter to PRE

setquarter1st - Set the quarter to 1st

setquarter2nd - Set the quarter to 2nd

setquarterHT - Set the quarter to HT

setquarter3rd - Set the quarter to 3rd

setquarter4th - Set the quarter to 4th

setquarterOT - Set the quarter to OT

setquarterFIN - Set the quarter to FIN

setDowns1 - Set Down to 1st

setDowns2 - Set Down to 2nd

setDowns3 - Set Down to 3rd

setDowns4 - Set Down to 4th

set12ClockAndReset - Show Gameclock to 12:00 and reset Gameclock

set15ClockAndReset - Show Gameclock to 15:00 and reset Gameclock

set30ClockAndReset - Show Gameclock to 30:00 and reset Gameclock

set40PlayclockAndReset - Show Playclock to 40 seconds and reset Playclock

set30PlayclockAndReset - Show Playclock to 30 seconds and reset Playclock

set25PlayclockAndReset - Show Playclock to 25 seconds and reset Playclock

Actions with data

setData_quarter - Set the quarter - value can be - PRE, 1st, 2nd, HT, 3rd, 4th, OT, FIN

setData_gameclock - Set the gameclock - value is a number in seconds - between 0 and 3600

setData_playclock - Set the playclock - value is a number in seconds - between 0 and 40

setData_down - Set the down - value can be - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

setData_distance - Set the distance in yards - value is a number - between 0 and 99

setData_homepoints - Set the points for the home team - value is a number - between 0 and 999

setData_guestpoints - Set the points for the guest team - value is a number - between 0 and 999

setData_hometimeouts - Set the timeouts for the home team - value is a number - between 0 and 3

setData_guesttimeouts - Set the timeouts for the guest team - value is a number - between 0 and 3

setData_los - Set the LOS yards - value is a number - between 0 and 50

setData_losteam - Set the LOS field side - value is the team and can be - home, guest

setData_ballteam - Set the possession of the ball - value is the team and can be - home, guest

getData - Get a specific scoreboard control value. Check the scoreboard script for possible values.

Livestream API requests

Almost all Overlays can be controlled by the API interface.

To use the API interface you will still need to create a TOKEN and integrate the TOKEN in the API request.

How to create a token you can find under Handle the token.

How to use the Livestream API requests you can find under Livestream API requests howto.

Livestream API requests howto

To use the Livestream API interface you will need to create a TOKEN and integrate the TOKEN in the API request.

You can use HTTP GET requests or HTTP POST requests.

In the HTTP GET request you need to integrate the TOKEN in the GET request.

In the HTTP POST request you need to integrate the TOKEN in the HEADER.

A GET request is created with following LINK:


The token need to be replaced with the TOKEN.

The action need to be replaced with the ACTION.

The value1 need to be replaced with the VALUE1.

The value2 need to be replaced with the VALUE2.

A POST request is created with following LINK:


The action need to be replaced with the ACTION.

The value1 need to be replaced with the VALUE1.

The value2 need to be replaced with the VALUE2.

The TOKEN need to be set in the HEADER as token.

List of actions and values for the livestream:

There is always the action followed by 2 values value1 and value1

value1 is usually the team or stats definition

value2 is usually the playernumber

If no value is needed, still something needs to be filled in both values. We fill it with 0


The requests are always desribed with all 3 informations divided by /

showBauchbox/number/0 - Show the bauchbox with the provided index number

hideBauchbox/0/0 - Hide the bauchbox


showRoster/team/roster - Show the roster of the specific team with the roster number

team can be team1 or team2

roster can be roster1 up to roster12

hideRoster/0/0 - Hide the roster


showStats/team/0 - Show live game stats

team can be team1 or team2

hideStats/0/0 - Hide the roster


showComparisonstats/team/0 - Show team comparison stats

team can be bothLast or bothCurrent

showComparisonstats/bothLast/0 will show the team comparison of the last season

showComparisonstats/bothCurrent/0 will show the team comparison of the current season


showComparisonstatsRun/team/player - Show player comparison RUN stats

team defines the team and the stats timeframe.

For team1 the value can be team1Last, team1Current or team1Game.

team1Last will show the last season stats from team1 player with the corresponding player number.

team1Current will show the current season stats from team1 player with the corresponding player number.

team1Game will show the actual game stats from team1 player with the corresponding player number.

showComparisonstatsRun/team1Last/4 will show the player comparison run stats of player #4 of the last season.

Same is valid for team2 using team2Last, team2Current or team2Game.

The different player comparison stats can be RUN, PASS, CATCH and DEFENSE:

showComparisonstatsRun/team/player - Show player comparison RUN stats

showComparisonstatsPass/team/player - Show player comparison PASS stats

showComparisonstatsCatch/team/player - Show player comparison CATCH (RECEIVE) stats

showComparisonstatsDefense/team/player - Show player comparison DEFENSE stats


showReferee/0/0 - Show the referee names

hideReferee/0/0 - Hide the referee names


showGamelogo/0/0 - Show game logos (team logos)

hideGamelogo/0/0 - Hide game logos (team logos)


showSinglePlayer/team/player - Show single player with data and info field

team can be team1 or team2

value2 (player) is the playernumber

hideSinglePlayer/0/0 Hide single player data

Documentation in progress, more to come soon ...

We are updating our documentation.

The missing pieces for the full documentation will be available soon.